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Post Lockdown Sailing (3)

It was Sunday. Completely overcast and slightly chilly.

I am going sailing nonetheless.

I packed myself a couple of sandwiches and headed down to the marina.

First thing first, I replaced the sun shield I use to protect the gas can from the blistering San Diego sun.

It’s a cheap sun shield from Amazon. It keeps the gas can completely cool even in the sweltering heat.

It lasts 6-9 months, and it costs just a few dollars.

I left the marina and hoisted the #3 jib. It was blowing 8-10 knots when I left. A little light at times but the boat went along fine.

I was a bit lazy still, so I left the fenders attached.

The weather was completely overcast, coastal eddy lasted all day over the bay. This is why all these pictures came out a bit dark.

I let the autopilot drive while I trimmed and adjusted the headsail halyard.

I am going out to the ocean today.

In order to go out to the Pacific Ocean, you have to go through an area that often has a lot of swirls and gusts. It’s a bit of a chore to get through when sailing solo.

Today, however, it was light and smooth all the way. I even felt a bit underpowered with the #3 headsail.

There was a really cool sailboat sailing in and out of the bay. It looked like it was being sailed singlehanded too.

At first, I thought it was a Melges IC37. Now that I look at the picture, well, I’m not sure what it is.

Pretty cool boat whatever it is.

I turned South at Zeniga jetty. I was a bit surprised to see a couple of cruise ships anchored out here.

I’ve never seen cruise ships just parked out here before. Cruise ships are always on the move, carrying passengers.

They have no revenue if they just park their ships outside the bay. But that’s what they are forced to do.

COVID19 was leaving its mark even out on the ocean.

And then there was this party boat. A big party catamaran that I’ve seen many times before. They were running with loud music and lots of rowdy drunk people on board, woohoo-ing.

So much for social distancing.

COVID19 is going to leave its mark. For sure.

I made sure to pass them on the windward side.

I sailed out a little while longer. Eventually, I picked a spot, slowed the boat down, hove-to, then sat down to eat my sandwich.

I like to come out here. Once I stop the boat, I often spend some time just watching the land and the ocean.

There is no cell coverage. There is no internet. You are alone with no distractions here.

Some things can only be found at a place like this.

I really missed this.

After some calm time, I turned around to head home.

The wind has built to 13-15 knots at the bay entrance by then.

And the boat seemed quite happy about that.

Once near the marina, I dropped the jib and started the motor.

Then I heard a ‘clang’.

Clang? I looked around and was startled to find that the pushrod of the tiller pilot just fell out.

Wow, this could have happened while I had the tiller pilot drive the boat. Now that’s a scary thought.

I brought the tiller pilot home. I will open it up and see what the problem is.

Depending on the outcome, it may be time to go for the Pelagic autopilot upgrade I’ve been thinking about.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Chris Iroz

    I would love to see what you’ve done to BlackJack in person. I was(am) a partner on a J29 in Washington before moving back to SD and we have some major refitting to do to her. It would also be nice to talk with a fellow J29 sailor in the area.

  2. Alex Brisebois

    I live in Quebec City in Canada and own a J/29 FROB, hull #292. I used info from your website a couple of time while improving stuff aboard. I’m now looking for a cunningham system. Do you have any picture of yours? Thanks for all info that you shared! ?

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