Forgetful Daysail

After a successful day at the boat yesterday, I was on a roll. I left home at 9 AM, went to the self-storage to pick up an older light #1 genoa.

Once at the storage I realized I forgot the key. Rewind. Restart.

By the time I got to the boat, it was already 10:30 AM.

Rig Tune

Before I go sailing, several things to be done. First was rig tune. It’s been a while since I checked the rig.

I double-checked that mast is centered, then I tightened uppers to 1300lb, lowers 800lb, and intermediates to 400lb. These are on my Loos gauge so don’t know how accurate they are, but this has been my light/med setting.

Sighting up the mainsail groove to check the mast is straight, I think I nailed the rig setup. Prebend is good too.

J29 BlackJack mast


I then test fitted the cunningham I made. It’s a simple 4:1 purchase. It’s simple and it works just dandy. I’m not liking the looks of it, though. I shall modify the strop with a loop and also a soft shackle to attach the end. As long as we look good, right?

Auto Pilot

I also tested the autopilot on the boat. I have had this tiller pilot for many years but seldom used it, because I lost this aluminum pedestal attachment to mount it on the boat.

As soon I ordered the part from Simrad, I remembered where the pedestal attachment was. Good thing Simrad let me return the pedestal. Now the pedestal is lashed to the tiller pilot and they are inseparable.

The tiller pilot turned on, then to my dismay, turned itself off. I went below and checked the panel switch and fuse. They were fine. I came back up muttering to myself and found the tiller pilot powered up and working fine. I think the wiring needs to be checked. Either that or this tiller pilot likes to mess with me.


Another thing I have been meaning to do, I strung bungee on the genoa cars. I even used hog rings for looks. I also added foredeck bungees that hold the sail down, also with hog rings.

Off Sailing

Armed with fully working nav lights, tuned rig, fresh bungees, and a flakey tiller pilot, it was time to take the boat out.

I set light #1 genoa. Then changed my mind to go out with a #3 jib.

My indecisiveness meant that I now had to fold the #1 on my own before I even got to sailing. Folding big headsail on your own takes forever. I need to devise a single-handed method to fold headsails on the boat.

It was great to take the boat out. The boat sailed well with the #3 jib in 10 knots. Tiller pilot worked well and didn’t flake out on me. It did seem a bit slow though. I’ll have to fiddle with the gain.

Cunningham worked well also. I like the simple arrangement so I’ll keep it this way, but I do want it to look good. I then noticed that one of the mainsheet blocks is broken. The Delrin balls have turned to dust. I’ve been meaning to revamp the mainsheet, I guess this moves it higher on the ever-growing to-do-list.

I sailed back into my slip after a while. I put the boat away, then checked the rig tension.

It’s all good, I said to myself with a smile. I left the marina feeling pretty good.

Until I realized I forgot the GoPro in the boat.

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