BlackJack and I Take a Trip
Trip Report I just got back from a trip to see my parents. A year ago, my mother was diagnosed with stage III lung cancer. Since then, she has had…
Sailboat maintenance work done on J29 BlackJack.
Trip Report I just got back from a trip to see my parents. A year ago, my mother was diagnosed with stage III lung cancer. Since then, she has had…
Human has almost no ability to locate itself, especially on the ocean. Well, at least I have no such ability. If you took me a few miles offshore off of…
Single-braid Dyneema is a godsend for anyone who wants to dabble in splicing lines for a sailboat. It's very strong yet easy to work with, and not terribly expensive. This…
I have been re-wiring my J29 sailboat BlackJack for some time, by tackling bits at a time. I didn't have shorts or broken circuits, but I knew it was a…
J29 BlackJack has adjustable Harken genoa leads. The leads ride on a set of ball bearing on a specially shaped track. There are small, medium and large versions of these…
BlackJack has Harken Carbo Foil which works great. I've been considering switching to hanked on sails for single-handed sailing, though. The headsail for foil is prone to blow off the…
New winches are here for BlackJack. Harken 46.2STA Winch It's shiny. It's light. It's self-tailing and it's got moar power. Did I already say it's shiny? It's shiny. I shall…
Every boat has a compass. In the case of J29, it usually has two compasses on the bulkhead. To be honest, I never looked at them. Removing Compasses The compasses…
Replacing the front hatch on my J29 sailboat BlackJack has been on the list for a few years. The old foredeck hatch was made by Bomar. and it was showing…
Before CCI can start building the rudder, they need me to measure some dimensions. Between some other jobs I was doing on the boat, I turned the boat around in…